
last cowboys

concept, scenography and direction by nathalie béasse 
with boochon, raphaël dalaine, grégory dubois, nico gallard, eric simonin, jacques templereau
music boochon, nicolas gallard
lighting natalie gallard
scenography christian frappreau

Commissioned by the dance festival Le Club des Cinq in the spring 2001, the company nathalie béasse created a short version of dead time, in residence in Fanal, Scene Nationale, Saint-Nazaire.  
Inspired by the ambiance of the city’s shipyard, this short version evolves and grows to become a piece in its own right: Last cowboys (Dec. 2001).
This piece deepens and affirms the artistic approach of the choreography where theatre, dance and music are intimately related. These different scenic elements are juxtaposed to confirm their equality. Each of them is a partner of the other, the object plays with the performer, an opponent to face, on the same level as the music or the space.  This research confronts the body of the dancer to that of the performer/actor, their voice to that of the musician. Nathalie Béasse attempts to confront the performer/dancer with their own inner strength as well as their own fragilities.

For this new creation, nathalie béasse has directed and choreographed three performers, one dancer and two musicians.
This piece refers to the world of work, to the atmosphere, to the city’s shipyard and also to the cinematic world.
This creation speaks of the day to day violence and of its poetry, of rest after activity : a balance between the real and the dream, a permanent escape.

co-produced by the University Theatre of Nantes
with the support of CNDC, Angers, of l'Espace Herbauges-Les Herbiers.
with the help of the DRAC Pays-de-la-Loire, of the Regional Council Pays-de-la-Loire, and the city of Angers.